Christmas time is the wonderful time of the year. Everyone agrees. People look for enjoyment and interaction with family and friends.
It is not surprising that cruising in Christmas time became extremely popular for mini-family reunions and multigenerational travel. As everything in this world, this comes with pros and cons. This helps you to determine if a Christmas cruise is a good idea or bad idea.
Cruise is a Common Ground for the Whole Family
Meet your family or/and friends on cruise ship as a neutral territory. As humans, we have likes and dislikes. We are happy to see some people and we don’t want to see some people in our houses. But we have to. In many situations we don’t have a choice. Cruising is a perfect solution! It is a neural territory for everyone in extended families. You have power to control how many times per day you are able interact with some people. Also, when you spent more time with people you are not really happy to see but ‘have to’, you will better understand them. I had situations when a big family left for a Christmas cruise with a lot of politics inside and returned back totally different – more united with less politics.
Festive Spirit
Every cruise line decorate ships with Christmas trees, garlands, gingerbread houses and fairy towns. There are carols and Christmas concerts. It is not a regular cruise – you are inspired and relaxed in the festive atmosphere. There are religious services of all faiths onboard available also.
Eating Multicourse Dinner in Nice Restaurants
No cooking, no cleaning, no comments about your or your wife cooking skills. Everyone is happy to sit down at Christmas Eve and enjoy meals and conversation. This is the best time of the year for the whole family.
Drinking with Confidence
You can drink during New Year Eve and don’t even think about driving. You are at sea! You can enjoy as many cocktails as you wish until bartender let you know that he stops to serve you. Cruise lines don’t allow bartenders to over serve alcohol beverages to guests.
New Year Countdown
Countdown with whole your family and a few other thousands cruise buddies for the New Year. It is fun! Simply show up just before a New Year on the top deck and enjoy.
Warm Weather in the Caribbean
This is a great idea to leave winter behind and jump into summer for Christmas. Simply relax on sunny beach, snorkel and play with kids. This is a Christmas your family will never forget.
Cruises are More Expensive during Christmas Time
This is true. Cruise lines make the top dollar during the festival season. Try to make reservations at least 9 months in advance or 2 weeks prior departure. Sometimes cruise lines keep high prices for too long and have unsold inventory a few weeks prior departure.
Highest Ship Occupancy
Cruise liners have 100% occupancy on Christmas sailings in most cases. So, ships are too crowded in some places. It is important to have a strategy in place where to have your breakfast or lunch. I recommend to avoid the Windjammer Café and eat in small nice eateries or main dining room with waitress service.
Airfare is Expensive
This is the main problem for a Christmas cruise: airlines are trying to make top dollar also. I recommend to use the following strategy to make airfare more affordable:
- Use miles if possible
- Use low cost airlines
- Check out all airports in your area. Sometimes driving 1 hour more may save you a few hundreds of dollars
- Shop on airfare on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, avoid Fridays and weekends.
I hope you enjoyed my post. Feel free to share it with your friends and family on social media of your choice. Personally, I prefer Facebook.
If you wish to book a cruise leave me a message in form above or call at 772 777-1337.
Talk to you later!