

Personal Travel Planners: Quality Travel with Value!

My Customers and Me
Visitors to my website have noticed I charge fees for my services.  They all ask me the same question – WHY?

I don’t blame them.  Traditionally, travel agents provided their services to anyone who asked for it, and the traveler did not pay a single dime over and above the actual cost of the trip, taxes and all. 

Yet, that traditional model relied on the travel supplier paying the agent a commission.  Sell a tour: get a kickback.  So, it is possible that an agent will recommend a supplier over another because of the financial reward.  Also, not every travel provider offers a commission.  There are many, many lodging options that don’t, for example, and relying on the supplier commission means those options don’t exist for the agent’s clients.

As a travel consultant, it is my duty to look out for my clients’ best interests, not my own.  Having a consulting fee does a number of things. 

First, it ensures the clients who want to work with me are the type who value the services of a professional, rather than someone who would end up costing me money in the long run.

Second, it establishes a business relationship that says “I’ve paid you this money – I expect this in return.”  I am held to a higher standard, and in turn my work itself is of a higher caliber.  By having a fee, I do not have to rely only on travel suppliers that pay a commission – the entire world is open to my clients.

3 types of clients

1. Customers come to me with clear idea about their vacation: where, when, and how. They do all research for themselves but decided to discuss their plans with me and give credit card number to somebody they talked personally. I don’t charge ANY service fee for booking cruises and all-inclusive packages in this case. We discuss details and make booking on spot.

2. Customers come with general idea about vacation, usually when they want to go. As usual, they are professionals that simply don’t have time and stamina to surf the Internet for a few hours or even days to find the ‘best deal’ for inside cabin. They value their time! They need somebody to take care about all details of their trip.

3. Customers, who prefer the best product on the market and the best service available. They value their time and comfort.  They tell me what they need and we'll take care of all the details – and I assist them in designing unique custom itineraries so that their vacation is nothing less than they desire and deserve. 

 I do a lot for my clients, including saving them time and yes, saving them money.  Most importantly, they benefit from my knowledge and my experience.  My services aren’t for the client who is looking for the rock-bottom lowest price.  Instead, my services are for the traveler seeking the best travel experience possible at the best possible price available.  Having a consulting fee makes YOU the star of the show.